IMBB#13: My Little Cupcake!

You're probably not going to believe this, but I've never had a real cupcake. Not one that I knew was a cupcake, anyways. I've had plenty of muffins, ranging from the saw-dusty store-bought type, to the beautifully, light-crumbed, stuffed with goodness homemade kind. I prefer the latter! So naturally, my joy was genuine when I heard that Maki was hosting this round of IMBB? and had chosen the magnificent theme of My Little Cupcake - or Muffin! I had to make myself my first ever cupcake...
So I went through ALL of my books, searching high and low for the one, the only, the CLASSIC cupcake. I searched the net, I asked around.
Finally, I decided what to me would be the cupcake - the one to end my ignorance. I think the reason why I never tried them was that they just seemed too simple. It's butter. Sugar. Flour. Eggs. That's about it. And then a wicked layer of more butter and sugar on top, of course. Wouldn't that all just be, dare I say it? - too much??
The Magnolia Bakery Cookbook has been on my wishlist for a while, but as with so many other items on that list, it had never snug itself into my shopping basket and made it all the way to the "complete order" category. Luckily, I found the recipe here. Why I would consider The Magnolia Cupcake to be the ultimative of cupcakes, I don't know. But I love the colors, and the childish-ness of them, and well - I heard a lot about them around. I am, as I already said, a novice when it comes to cupcakes - on my search on the net I found several blogs dedicated ONLY to the subject. Take a look at All Cupcakes, All the time for instance - seeing something like this makes me realize there are so many things within just one category I've never tried!
The recipe I found made 24 cupcakes - a wee bit too many, considering if a cake doesn't have chocolate in it, Boyfriend is not likely to be eating much of it. So I halved it easily, and here you go:
Magnolia Cupcakes
For the Cakes:
1 stick butter
1 cup sugar
2 large eggs
3/4 cup self-raising flour
½ c + 2 tbsp all-purpose flour
½ cup milk
½ tsp vanilla extract
For the Buttercream Frosting
1 stick butter
4 cups sugar
1/4 cup milk
1 tsp. vanilla extract

For the cupcakes:
Line 12 muffin cups with cupcake papers. Preheat the oven to 175 C/350 F.
Cream the butter for a couple of minutes alone first, just to make sure it's adequately soft. Add the sugar in three additions, beating well after each addition. Add the eggs, one by one, again beating well after each one has been added.
Mix the two types of flour together. Then add the flour in four additions, alternating with the milk and vanilla extract in three additions. Divide the batter between the 12 waiting muffins cups, then bake for 20-22 minutes.
Leave to cool completely, before frosting.
For the frosting, place butter, 2 cups icing sugar, ½ cup of milk and the vanilla extract in a free-standing mixer (or you can beat it by hand I suppose!) and beat on medium-low speed. Add the rest of the icing sugar until you reach a desired consistency - I only used three cups in total. If you want, you can color the icing - that's like half the fun of these!! And of course, you can use sprinkles to your hearts content!

I liked the icing part - I wanted them to be really swirly to look at, and in all sorts of colors. I found your finger to work best for that swirly look - ahem... ;-)

So I'm gonna go for a little picture over-kill here, just to show you my choice of colors. There was the purple one you just saw above - then pink:


And green and yellow:

As for the cupcake - well, what can I say?! I'm a convert, that's for sure! It's butter and sugar, true, but it's good. And look at that fine crumbly crumb!

I love it! The icing is sweeeeeeeet and almost nothing but sugar, but I've never been sugar-shy. I'm game, I'm on - I want to see all of the variations possible! I've heard of the Hostess one, and of course, some laden with chocolate... Oh just plain YUM! Show me, show me, tell me!

There's just something so...wonderous...about biting into your very own cupcake. I think that in general, people like eating bite-sized, or at least smaller bite, foods. A piece of cake requires a fork, but a cupcake? Just your hands!
And your cakes are lovely...I've heard so many good things about the Magnolia book (on my wishlist, too!), and the cupcakes themselves. I've even seen them featured on a segment on the Food Network!
Excellent job!
I'd say that as a first attempt at cupcakes, you succeeded greatly!
Cuisine Capers
All Cupcakes, All The Time
Moira, Irene, Emily - Thank you! I'm blushing here... And I'm glad it went so well too!:-)
Anon - Ahem - keep it clean, m'kay?;-) They are definetly soft in the middle - well, at least when we make them!
Tanvi - it wasn't easy finding the recipe either, I kept getting a Magnolia cake, and not until I read through the whole recipe did I realize the same recipe could be turned into cupcakes (well DUH!? Of course!) You've been to Magnolia? Lucky lucky you! And wow, my icing is prettier than theirs?! *Blushing, blushing*
Niki - I think your teeth are in sync with mine! We really have to start some health trip soon, there has been a lot of sweeties lately! Cavities, no mister dentist I don't understand?!
McAuliflower - (oh how I need one of those open-mouth-in-surprise-big-eyed-smilies right now!) FROZEN cupcakes?? And you tell me now, when mine are all gone!? I NEED to try that! (And guess I will have plenty a chance with all the recipes up and around now!) And thanks for the kind words!
OsloFoodie - thank you! They're candied violets on top, just in case you wanted to know - I did want to sprinkle each and every one of cupcakes differently, but found I only had the violets, and then some caramel and silver balls - not enough fun, so I decided to leave them plain. Also, the violets kind of interferred with the smoothness of the icing, that I otherwise enjoyed - and they got stuck between my teeth!
Niche - you're so very welcome! I was so impressed with your site I had to link you!
Yours are so pretty!
This book will show you how to make cupcakes (and other cakes) that completely blow away the results of any shortcut recipe, including the Magnolia one.
Once you have gotten a taste of real buttercream, the confectioner-sugar-based stuff that Americans have recently come to refer to as buttercream will never taste the same. So be forwarned--if you don't want to be forever spoiled, then you might want to stay away.
What's really interesting is that the Magnolia Bakery itself does put out some cupcakes with real buttercream on them from time to time. I once had a pistachio buttercream cupcake there that was the best cupcake I've ever tasted. That pistachio flavor was absolutely perfect, and they achieve a fluffiness in their buttercream that my KitchenAid at home just doesn't have the muscle to achieve.
I suspect that this is how they got so famous, because the bulk of their cupcakes are the standard-issue ones with the frosting that is based on confectioner's sugar, and as such they are little more than run-of-the-mill cupcakes, not much better than what you might buy at the grocery store.
I had to convert the recipe to britsh measurements, which I thought some of you other commenter might find useful!
Those cupcakes look amazing!
I've made them before and these are definitely the end-all cupcakes.
They are the best I have ever tasted.
I usually just stick to green and pink, but I really like the colors you've used.
And as far as the recipe goes-thank you so much! I always thought 24 was too much, 12 is much better!
can I substitute icing sugar with a regular white sugar?