Gourmet Guinea Pig

Hmm, I wonder how many people will end up here as a result of a Google search, looking for recipes for cooking guinea pig? Heh - well sorry, that's NOT what this is about!

You see, as you all know by now, I am a foodie. Naturally, things rub off when you live in a household with one such - so much so that my guinea pig has become - well, a Gourmet Guinea Pig. He doesn't hide in the hay - no no, he hides in a forest of - PARSLEY!

I'm doing a lot of cooking for my cousin's 18th birthday - lots of goodies coming up, I hope!


Ana said…
What's its name Zarah Maria? Now that we have seen the picture, it should be formally introduced to us. The photo is a bit dark but he looks like a cutie!
Stephanie said…
OH, how adorable! I want one...'cept I'd be worried one of the pups would think I'd given them an after-dinner treat...whoops!
Anonymous said…
He's so adorable and cute!!! What's his name?
Zarah Maria said…
Hi Ladies! His name is Bum, he's most certainly a cutie, and adorable to boot!:-) He was sorta introduced a while back... But that was a while back, and not formally, so I will do that soon!
Anonymous said…
Zarah - he is irresistible! Do you let him outside the cage? Does he chew everything? (my cat does) And why is he called Bum...?
Zarah Maria said…
Oh keiko, you just made me laugh out loud! I totally forgot that Bum in English is - well, a behind! Bum in Danish is more like the sound BOOM! only pronounced with less energy you might say.. He's named after the mouse from Cinderella, you know, there are two mice that help make Cindarella's dress and in the Danish translation, they're called Tim and Bum. His brother is called Tim, of course!

And yes, he can go out of the cage whenever he pleases, it's always open - but he doesn't go far away from it... And he doesn't chew anything, which has actually surprised me a bit! But it's cool, then I don't have to worry about leaving the cage open...
Anonymous said…
Zarah, thank you for explaining, now I'm happy to know that he's got a lovely name... (cos what I thought was, well, what you thought) He is such a good boy that he doesn't chew anything, I think being gourmet might help... Looking forward to seeing more lovely pictures of them.
Anonymous said…
Drat. I really DID find this page by typing "Guinea pig recipes" into Google. Don't worry, it was more out of morbid curiousity than from actually wanting to eat one.
Anonymous said…
Hey, I was looking for guinea pig Cake recipies but yeah :P....
I have a guinea pig named Chester, Hes Famous!
His grandma was the gp in the clockbuster ad (Iy was actually a girl)
they animatid the action but did the color and stuffl ike her!
He looks almost like that guinea pig (Cuddles is her real name)
but CUTER!!!! bye byes love y'all!
Anonymous said…
OMG.... when I said guinea pig cake recipes, I didn't meen I wanted to eat my gyinea pig chester... lol, It was his BIRTHDAY and i wanted to make him a cake!! lol!!
Anonymous said…
Hi, i have two guinea pigs, Halo and Cheerio and halo i think he is sick or hurt hes sqeaks loud,painfully and isnt his self and he dosent move around........hes just a baby,I got him a month ago. any ideas whats wrong?
Zarah Maria said…
Jamie, you gotta get Halo to a vet, NOW! If he's not moving around, I'd be really worried - it could be nothing, but I'd want to make sure - so vet it is!
Anonymous said…
Oh hi! its jamie again. I told my parents right away to get a vet but they think its too expensive and that the vet cant help. They both love animals but they just dont want to pay. i wish they would:( My dad at least called a vet he says halo was hurt ive been watching him i think he is a bit better but not really he still dosent move and is in pain. I am pretty sure he broke his foot, leg or he hurt his hip. I am giving him lots of attention and thank you so much.:) Me and my best friend are taking very good care of him we think he will heal good...plus he has cheerio to help him on the way!:)
Anonymous said…
umm hi i was wondering....can you give guines pigs flour or honey?
Zarah Maria said…
Hi Rach! Thank you for you nice words about the little one. I'd love to try and breed him, but unfortunately, I think we're just a little too far apart - although it sure would be a great excuse for me to have to travel from Denmark to Wisconsin on those grounds!:-)
Anonymous said…
I was doing a google search looking to purchase the large guinea pig bred for food in Peru. What better use of vegetable scraps from my garden, plus they make awesome fertilizer. If food gets scarce ie: Steckrubenwinter, fluffy can save you from starvation! Do you know where I can get a super-cavy? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/3946771.stm
Anonymous said…
HA! that's funny, I WAS actually searching guinea pig recipes. Nobody believes me that we consume them in Peru. Don't worry, we'll stay away from yours, its too cute, and so are you =). b-bye!
Anonymous said…
HA! that's funny. I WAS actually googling for guinea pig recipes. Nobody believes me that we eat them in Peru. Don't worry, we'll stay away from yours, its too cute! and so are you! =). B-bye.
Anonymous said…
Hello, my boyfriend and I were only mucking around when we thought about looking up guinea pig recipes.Your guinea looks too cute to eat, so does mine.Just wondered if some people actually did eat then though!!!

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