On The Twentyfourth Day of Christmas: At Long Last It's Christmas Eve
Dad pouring me port to go with the ris a l'amande. No I didn't get the almond.
I'm back-posting by a couple of hours, 'cause the date here really has to say the 24th. And it sort of still is the 24th, Christmas Eve, seeing we just returned from a feast at my Dad's house and I haven't slept yet. Oh, there was plenty of food & drinks, and presents, and good company. Just like Christmas should be. I hope yours will be the kind of perfect you want it to be.
Kevin - it's eeeeeeeasy! GLÆDELIG JUL! And heck, GODT NYTÅR too!;)
Angela - and to you, too!
I have started a blog where I cook food inspired by different countries for people for free then they write a review of the meal - and the company. I recently had a go at Denmark... I would appreciate your feedback and if you like it, maybe you could add a link on your blog? THe address is http://globalgobbler.blogspot.com/
Thanks and hope you have a lucky '08! Joel