After that, you need food.


Um. I, um. Well, okay. I sorta borrowed the 5 first books of the Harry Potter series from my (9-year-old) little sister.

The first four was devoured in three days. Then I got stuck with number five, probably because I'd just seen the movie.

But then, um. The 6th. was available from the library. And. Um. The last one was in the shops again.

So - ah. The last two days, I've been cooped up in the chair in the corner of our living room, only breaking loose when making tea (they have an awful lot of tea in those books, don't they?) and changing the candles and turning on lights.

And now. I read them. All of them.

Forgive me. But. Um. Does anyone around here carry wands?


Any snakes? Scars? Robes?


Just checking if I really AM back in the real world...

I'm hungry.

Don't you just love vacations?

Promise, I will be back - with food - soon!;-)


Cathy said…
Welcome back to the real world Zarah! Bet you're wishing you could go back to that blissful state of being totally immersed in a story... Reminds me of when Patty and I discovered the "Little House" books - just days before the school library (which was practically in our backyard) was to close for the rest of the summer. We checked out the remaining books in the series, plunked ourselves on my bed, and read non-stop until we finished. Those were the days!
Wendy said…
Hmmm, I read the first Potter book and, though I know I shouldn't say this is polite company, I wasn't moved by it. The release of the last book caused such excitement amongst the readers though, I was envious! Your post is the final push. I'm going to give them another try. :)
Anonymous said…
Ahhh, I just bought number seven myself. The cover on your version is nicer than my kiddie version. Haven't cracked it open yet though since I don't quite have the time to disappear off the face of the planet for two days...
Would you believe I found a recipe for butter beer on the net?!
Pragyan said…
Hi Zarah, Enjoy the final Harry Potter book! I am just waiting to get some time to do the same starting from the first book in the series. Hope it is soon :)
Pragyan said…
I am forwarding you the "Rockin' Girl Blogger". Why? Since you rock! :)
TBC said…
It's my first time here.I am not a big fan of Harry Potter though my hubby is absolutley crazy and just can't get enough! We were at Barnes & Noble the other day to pick up a few books when he came across a copy of the latest Harry Potter.He just sat down & read the entire thing. We were there for almost 5 hours and ended up spending more money in the Starbucks cafe there than we would have if we'd just bought the book in the first place!
Anonymous said…
Hi Zarah,
you sound like you have had a great holiday reading,perfect!!
I have added you to my blogroll at in the uk. I have just started my food blog and have got great inspiration from yours :)
Zarah Maria said…
Cathy - those ARE the days! I'm enjoying every last bit of it now, only work seems to get in the way - how annoying!

Wendy - I never thought I'd read them, either, like, "they're childrens books", but somehow, they grabbed me. And I'm glad it didn't happen until now, 'cause I would have hated to have had to wait for the next one, and the next one, and...

Jennie - LOL! Butter beer? I'm sorry, but even though the Danish translation is ingefærøl, I think I'd like that better...

Pragyan - thank you! I did enjoy it!

TBC - well, you can't sit around the bookstore reading like that around here, but I can definitely relate to the feeling of not. being. able. to. put. book. down. I love that feeling!

Anon - Thank you! I can't seem to make your link work, though - could you try putting it up again?
Joy Bugaloo said…
Zarah, I am big HP fan, too. And I just wanted to comment that Order of the Phoenix (#5) was the one that was hard to get through at times. Even Rowling herself admitted that it needed some editing! Just FYI...

--Gina (
Anonymous said…
I love Harry Potter. I am very saddened by the fact that there will be no more books.

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