Is there such a thing as too much rhubarb?

The fancy version when using the rhubarb compote I've told you about before. This one is much more dark pink than the first of the season - I made this around the end of May. The one I made just yesterday was verging on purple... You gotta love the change of the seasons and the colors of the produce!

The other thing I tried with rhubarb is the Rhubarb Cornmeal Cake

- hitting the blogs this season! A Nigella "classic" I suppose you can call it, and the recipe has been put up by Angela, so I'm going to be lazy enough and just point you there. I loved it, it's easy to do and it keeps well. Only thing I'll add about it is DO PAY ATTENTION to her saying line your cake tin with paper! Look what happened to mine because I was too lazy...

That'll teach me! But at least I got 5 more minutes out in the sun, heh!


Cathy said…
Hi Zarah - that cake looks great, I've been looking for something to do with rhubarb (other than jam and compote) and that looks perfect. Sounds like you're enjoying your summer!
Anonymous said…
Ohmigod Zarah you just reminded me that I have rhubarb that's been in the fridge a whole week without cooking -- what to do, what to do...I've been so busy with my sour cherries, you see. Your rhubarb treats look glorious -- now I've got to get to work, if mine isn't shriveled and useless already...
Ana said…
Thanks for making the cake Zarah Maria. I actually thought that I wanted to try it but in early May my rhubard was not fully formed...and then I forgot where I had seen it.
Anonymous said…
Hi Zarah - I love your rhubarb compote photo (it looks delectable!). For the record, basic rhubarb tart and rhubarb sponge cake (you don't have to pre-bake the rhubarb for either) are also excellent. And for anyone looking to eat rhubarb out of season, rhubarb jam (equal parts fruit & sugar, plus 1 juiced lemon, boiled together) is superb. In Ireland (where I'm from) rhubarb is everywhere in the summer, but here in the US it's pretty expensive & everyone mixes it with strawberries. Happy rhubarb eating to everyone...
Nic said…
There is definately no such thing as too much rhubarb! Unfortunately, I am having trouble finding it in my area. I don't know why the season here (in LA) seems to be much shorter than EVERYWHERE else.
Anonymous said…
You can NEVER have too much rhubarb :-) I've made jam, syrup and baked many cakes and pies during the last month! :-) (probably too many according to Fredrik...)
Zarah Maria said…
Hi Cathy! I most certainly am enjoying my summer, and you know, a summer with rhubarb - doesn't get much better than that! And I had the exact same feeling regarding the cake - enough of the compotes and jams already!:-)

Hi Julie! Oooh, sour cherries... Did the rhubarb survive and what did you do with them?

Ana - you're welcome! We (foodbloggers) really should have this one GIGANTIC index with all the things we try - I try to bookmark all the recipes that I think sound interesting, but some things sound interesting the minute you read about them and others don't appeal to you until you stand there with an ingredient that you know you just saw someone blog about but you just don't remember who - and now you need that recipe!

Hi Genevieve! And happy rhubarb eating to you too!

Nic - sad to hear it's hard to come by - I think it's our cool climate that makes us ideal rhubarb growing country - you simply have too much sun! As if there is such a thing, LOL!

And Dagmar - I've seen you go rhubarb crazy over there - and I think it's perfectly alright to let the man suffer just a little - I mean, we're talking rhubarb here!;-)
Anonymous said…
Rhubarb is certainly one of my favorites for the early summertime.
Best recipe is a tie between a classic Clafouti but using rhubarb and a Rhubarb Layer cake that was in the paper celebrating queen Margrethes 50th birthday - a lovely mousse of cream, rhubarb, gelatin and a bit of brandy stacked with sponge cake and decorated with orange icing and marcipan.


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