Back to School!
As you might have guessed from the sudden infrequency of posts - at one point in my school break I think I actually posted EVERY DAY! - I have gone back to school again. I wanted to THANK YOU ALL for your nice comments on me passing my exam recently - I think it is so cool to know you're out there, hoping the best for me, and joining in my cheer when I succed. Hopefully, the passing and hurray-ing shall be no different at the end of this semester!
But - I've been restricted to 8 hours a week of net-time by the mean Boyfriend (!!!) No, really he isn't - I need it, 'cause I could just spend HOURS and HOURS, blog-hopping. "Hello, my name is Zarah, I'm a blog-oholic" - tee-hee! I have been doing some "blogger-homework" though, so have a couple of things up my sleeve, all ready to go - so even if my cooking adventures wont be as adventureous the next couple of months - oh who am I kidding, it's not like I'm gonna stop eating! I'll still be hanging around, reading your blogs, doing the SHF/IMBB etc., and letting you know the turns and turmoils of a medical student in Denmark. Hope to see you around!
It's not like I have a toddler to take care of, as well as a house to run, right?
Oh, wait...I DO! Ooops.
I hope you have a great semester, and I look forward to whenever you are able to post- you always make interesting things and write them up so well.
this is Gaia! I'm an italian student and I love cooking as much as you do!
We have chosen a similar title for uor respective blogs, mine is "dreams&thoughts"...funny thing! i've just poste few pics of my last brownies, if you want to have a look go to
what are you studying at University? i'm doing something like italian literature! complimets for your blog,pics and recipies