Back to School!

As you might have guessed from the sudden infrequency of posts - at one point in my school break I think I actually posted EVERY DAY! - I have gone back to school again. I wanted to THANK YOU ALL for your nice comments on me passing my exam recently - I think it is so cool to know you're out there, hoping the best for me, and joining in my cheer when I succed. Hopefully, the passing and hurray-ing shall be no different at the end of this semester!

But - I've been restricted to 8 hours a week of net-time by the mean Boyfriend (!!!) No, really he isn't - I need it, 'cause I could just spend HOURS and HOURS, blog-hopping. "Hello, my name is Zarah, I'm a blog-oholic" - tee-hee! I have been doing some "blogger-homework" though, so have a couple of things up my sleeve, all ready to go - so even if my cooking adventures wont be as adventureous the next couple of months - oh who am I kidding, it's not like I'm gonna stop eating! I'll still be hanging around, reading your blogs, doing the SHF/IMBB etc., and letting you know the turns and turmoils of a medical student in Denmark. Hope to see you around!


Stephanie said…
Sometimes I wish Matt would restrict me...I can spend *way* too much time here (ok, not HERE, but on the web), checking up on everyone, blogging, and so on.
It's not like I have a toddler to take care of, as well as a house to run, right?
Oh, wait...I DO! Ooops.
Anonymous said…
Hi Zarah,

I hope you have a great semester, and I look forward to whenever you are able to post- you always make interesting things and write them up so well.

Gaia said…
Hi Zarah,
this is Gaia! I'm an italian student and I love cooking as much as you do!
We have chosen a similar title for uor respective blogs, mine is "dreams&thoughts"...funny thing! i've just poste few pics of my last brownies, if you want to have a look go to

what are you studying at University? i'm doing something like italian literature! complimets for your blog,pics and recipies
Anonymous said…
Zarah, best of luck with the coming term. I feel a bit the same way, since I've been on break this week, and able to post and play more than usual. But that will change come Monday, sadly. SO much to blog about, so many blogs to read, so little time...
Zarah Maria said…
Thanks guys - umm, I mean girls! It's quite cool in school at the moment, we're kind of wrapping up a lot of the stuff we learned last semester - and a lot about it is on nutrition and digestion and all - so it's almost like blogging! But oh yes, waaay to little time... I couldn't imagine trying to take care of a kid and a real job on top of everything!:-)

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