Cookbook AMUCK anyone?

I swear, someone stole my credit card and went on a SEROIUS shopping spree on amazon. Luckily, everything was sent to me. Because it really couldn't have been me. No. NO! It couldn't! Aren't you listening?!? I'm way more sensible than that. I would never, ever spend that much money on cookbooks. Well, definetly not more than twice a year. Okay, maybe three times then. But...

MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I got 6 - SIX - new cookbooks waiting for me to get around to them! How's about it?!? MUAHAHAHA!

They are:
Jamie's Dinners
Nigella Lawson's Feast
American Boulangerie
Art of the Tart by Tamasin Day-Lewis
Charlie Trotter's Seafood
Chocolate American Style by Lora Brody



Cathy said…
Oh what fun! I have a feeling it will be hard for you to focus on biochemistry for the next few days! I am not familiar with any of your new books, so I'll be looking forward to hearing what you think about them.
Anonymous said…
That could have been me.
Although I've gotten better at controlling the urge for cookbooks lately, I've still got somewhere around 200 so far.
My last significant buy was "The French Laundry Cookbook".
Next on the must have list is "The Advanced Professional Pastry Chef" because my copy of The Professional Pastry Chef is looking lonely ;) and I don't suppose there's any way around picking up a copy of "Anthony Bourdain's Les Halles Cookbook : Strategies, Recipes, and Techniques of Classic Bistro Cooking".

Zarah Maria said…
Cathy and Emily - will surely let you know all about them!

Mads - glad to hear I'm not the only one! How lucky you are to be discovering French Laundry for the first time! It's one of my definete favourites, not that I've actually cooked any of the dishes straight from the book, but it's an eternal source of inspiration and valuable tricks. I really like a lot of the more "professionel" cookbooks, unfortunately I often find them to be SOOOO expensive I go for other stuff. But as they say at amazon: "your wishlist is here, give it purpose" - and Christmas is coming soon, right?;-)
Zarah Maria said…
Cathy and Emily - will surely let you know all about them!

Mads - glad to hear I'm not the only one! How lucky you are to be discovering French Laundry for the first time! It's one of my definete favourites, not that I've actually cooked any of the dishes straight from the book, but it's an eternal source of inspiration and valuable tricks. I really like a lot of the more "professionel" cookbooks, unfortunately I often find them to be SOOOO expensive I go for other stuff. But as they say at amazon: "your wishlist is here, give it purpose" - and Christmas is coming soon, right?;-)
Zarah Maria said…
Ahem... Blogger is not my friend right now, can't seem to remove the extra, extra comment... Ah well!

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