Before it's too late...

...and before we completely forget all about the Christmas we just had, let me show you a couple of pictures from this years cookie-baking-parade. My Bonusmom and I have made a tradition out of getting together on the third Sunday in Advent and bake a truckload of cookies. This year, I totally miscalculated and made WAAAAAY to much dough - apparently, there is such a thing as too many cookies! We had a lot of fun though, and luckily, M and I also have a tradition of inviting family and friends around for some white glögg and cookies (and a little savory bite, too) on the very same day - let's just say people were stuffed with cookies and had their purses full of ready-to-bake homemade cookie dough when they left!

There are the cookies that are always there - vanillekranse (bottom picture, the big, BIG jar!) and klejner (top tier) - a couple classics, but not ones we make every year - brunkager (bottom tier) and specier (middle tier, right) this year - and a couple new ones as well. I scoured the foodblogs and tried out Farmgirl's Molasses Ginger Spice Snaps (they're on the middle tier, left) and Nic's Christmas cut-out cookies that I bookmarked already last year (never managed to snap a photo). My baby sister loved the Molasses Ginger Spice Snaps and gobbled up four before they'd even cooled. The cut-out cookies are probably the best of it's kind I've ever tried - soft, buttery and just that bit more interesting than my usual standby from Nigella's Domestic Goddess book. I'd planned to make icing for people to decorate their own cookies, and I guess the cookies are even better with the icing - but I never got that far and they disappeared regardless! It was a cookie-feast indeed...

Vanillekranse - not enough to fill this GIGANTIC jar I got from my Boyfriend as an advents-present, but makes probably, oh... 80 cookies?

will update with the recipe - heck, it's New Year's Eve in a blink of an eye, you're not going to make them now anyways, are you?;-)

HAPPPY 2007 to all of you!


Anonymous said…
They all look scrumptious Zarah! Happy New Year to you and Martin!!
Pille said…
Klejner! I love klejner, and I totally forgot to bake them this year;(
Have a wonderful 2007, Zarah Maria!
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year Zarah! All the best to you and Martin, always. The cookies look scrumptious -- and if you have a minute, drop over my way to hear some New Years' news!
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year to you and yours...Enjoy!
santos. said…
happy new year to you, zarah! it's unimaginable, isn't it? the idea of too many cookies. same problem in my house, too!
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year!
All the cookies look delicious and I love your cookie jar- your boyfriend has good taste!
Anonymous said…
A true inspiration:-) All the cookies look delicious! And happy 2007 to you, sweet Zarah!
Anonymous said…
Those are delicious looking cookies. Lovely photos as well.
Anonymous said…
very impressive cookie collection... hope 07 is a great year for you
Anonymous said…
Yum! Wish I could have some of the leftovers :) Happy new year Zarah Maria!
Anonymous said…
oooo Vanillekranse are my all time favorite home-made cookie. I absolutely adore them. I have such fond memories of being in my MorMor's kitchen helping her (read - getting in the way) make those and Klejner.

Tomorrow is my fathers 80th birthday and he goes on and on sometimes about being in Denmark for Christmas and enjoying my Mormor's Klejner. They are impossible to find here in the US.

Love your Pictures... Martin is very lucky to get such a big Jar of cookies for the holidays.
Zarah Maria said…
Thank you Friends, for the lovely words - how could I possibly get a better start to 2007?!:-)

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