Happy 2006!

Here's wishing y'all a very happy new year! I know it's awfully quiet around here at the moment, but life's being a b**** and trying to slap her around and get her to be nice again isn't really working for me!;-)

Hopefully there'll be time for blogging again soon. Meanwhile, start enjoying the 365 fresh and sparkly new days you've just been given - I know I intend to!


Cathy said…
Happy New Year Zarah!! Hang in there with the studying!
Anonymous said…
Have a wonderful new year Zarah! I know how sometimes work or other priorities can take over one's life - then it's always good to take a step back and bethink of what - at the end of the day - really makes one happy and fulfilled. All the best and looking forward to more Food & Thougts of yours!!
Pille said…
Hej Zarah, happy new year! Hope things get sorted out soon and you'll be back blogging!
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year, Zarah! I'm glad you can at least see the light at the end of the tunnel! :)
mary grimm said…
Happy New Year--glad to see you back, even if only briefly.
Michèle said…
Hi Zarah, wishing you all the best for a fabulous food-filled 2006!
debbie koenig said…
Happy new year, Zarah! Good luck with all your mishegoss...
Anonymous said…
Happy New Years Zarah! Good luck with the other things going on in your life. I too hope to get back to blogging more regularily soon. I head back to Chicago in about 3 weeks, so I will most likely have plenty of time in between looking for jobs then.
Take care.
Anonymous said…
Zarah Zarah Zarah! You're back! Most wonderful wishes and all things good in the new year. Perhaps this will be the year we meet!
Zarah Maria said…
Thanks everybody! It's so good to know people are still checking in!:-)
mathomhouse said…
I haven't even been reading blogs regularly (see how late I am with this one?), let alone posting on my own blog. Write when you feel inspired -- that's the best, I think. I enjoy reading your "Food & Thoughts"!
Anonymous said…
Hi Zarah, We meant to send you a Christmas card but we've lost your address. So a belated Merry Xmas from David, Jenny and Lucy
(If you've still got my email address from when we visited Copenhagen, please drop me a line with your snail mail address)

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