Dining with the Bloggers - June 8th

This week it is snack-time - and nothing could suit me better, I seem to be living of snacks at the moment. Being at home most of the time, frustrated paging through my textbooks, I need a little munching here and there.

And even though I am at home, last night, I just couldn't be bothered to cook a real meal - what I could be bothered to do though, was whip us up a sweet snack to follow the make-shift dinner we had (ryebread open faced sandwiches - I boiled eggs, c'mon, that's ALMOST cooking dinner!;-)) Coincidentally, Cathy also found a little something for that sweet snacking tooth this week!

So I needed sweet, I needed fast - I needed Strawberry Scones that Caryn of Delicious! Delicious! had served for Mr. R - and I needed to just hurry and write down the recipe or I would get caught up in reading the fascinating food-blog/soap-opera she's got going on! If you're not already an addict, be careful following that link - she'll have you hooked in no-time!

I substituted frozen, but defrosted, raspberries for the strawberries - not cooking, and not grocery shopping either, am I? M convinced me they needed white chocolate in them too, so in it went. If you choose to use raspberries only, I might suggest adding another spoonful or two of sugar, seeing they are more tart than the strawberries. And umm... if you go for the raspberries, add them at the very end - I ended up with a somewhat weirdly colored pink-ish dough, because I added them before the yoghurt. But heck, I'm not one that is shy of weirdly colored foods!

They are moist, yet flaky, as a proper scone should be - I'll have to try the original version with strawberries too, but if you don't have them handy, I'm positive the batter will lend itself to any berry combination - Caryn herself suggest blueberries, peaches... Maybe a blueberry AND peach combo? Also, another thing that speaks for this recipe is the fact that they're made in a matter of 25 minutes - and that includes baking AND washing the bowl you made it in!

Dining with the Bloggers is on hiatus for the summer, but we'll back to your regularly scheduled program in September!

(Updated with picture)


Nic said…
Hey Zarah. I tried Caryn's scones, too, but I didn't defrost the froen strawberries I used. I really liked how moist they were. I'll miss Dining with Bloggers while you guys are on hiatus!
tanvi said…
Hey Zarah
I have been wanting to try that recipe. Just a tipe- if you use berries that havent defrosted yet, they wont leek color. Though if the scones taste good, as Im sure they do, I wouldnt mind it being pink :-)

Looking forward to dining with the bloggers come september!
Zarah Maria said…
Hi Nic! They are great, huh? And DwtB will be back before you know it!

Hi Tanvi! You really should try them, they're fab! And thanks for the tip re. the berries - I was actually standing there with them frozen thinking defrost or not? But then I thought they might seep to much while baking, if I didn't defrost them beforehand, so I zapped them in the microwave. But there sure wasn't anything wrong with the taste!

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