[DANSK] Hyldeblomstsaft - It's too late now...

... to make anymore elderflower cordial. At least around here. A mere glimpse is the period when the elderflowers are in bloom. That's how it seems, at least. (okay, so you get peas, and cucumbers and tomatoes, but they don't make elderflower cordial, now do they?)

I only got to make one batch. My first batch, ever, even.

It is so, so good. So if there are still flowers on the trees around where you are, I urge you to make some. I don't care how you get to them - but do get them. Personally, I was found on quiet neighbourhood streets, smuggling a pair of scissors and a large plastic bag around - very discret, as always. And if you didn't make it in time either REMEMBER it next year. Put it in your calender already.

Make the largest batch you can imagine. Then double it. You know you want to. And I'm telling you, you'll regret it if you don't.

Here's the recipe I used, again from Camilla Plum:
-makes about 3 liters which is entirely too little...
40 elderflower bunches
50 g. citric acid
3 lemons
2 kg. cane sugar
2 liters water

Peel the lemons thinly. Cut of the white stuff left on the lemons off, then slice them up. Remove all the seeds (I guess 'cause they'd make the cordial bitter?) Toss the white stuff, keep the zest and the lemon slices.

Cut the flowers from the stalks. Put flowers, lemon, lemon zest and citric acid in a big container - plastic, ceramic - as long as it isn't aluminium and can stand a little heat.

In a large pot bring the sugar and the water to a boil. Pour this mixture over the flowers and lemon.

Leave to steep for at least 3 days and a maximum of 5. Strain (I strained through some cheese cloth as well as a strainer - me no like little bugs) and decant into scalded bottles. I've been told it's smart to use plastic bottles so you can freeze your cordial, as it may ferment if you haven't been religious about your sterilizing (which I for one am not very good at being).

So I now know what I want for Christmas: I want a chest freezer to store elderflower cordial in.

A (perhaps useful link for buying citric acid is here - I gathered from a couple of online searches that it may be hard to find in the US.


Anonymous said…
It's ALIVE! Good to see. So so true about the elderflowers. You simply haven't lived until you make and enjoy your own batch of cordial from those sweet blossoms.

In the next week's time or so, I'm going out to pluck the unripe elderflower berries to make some capers from. Wanna come?!
Zarah Maria said…
Yes, it's stirring, at least ;)

And I definitely want to go elderberry-hunting with you - let's make plans! I even think there's a recipe in Noma's book...:)
Cathy said…
I don't know where there are elder trees around here, but after looking up pictures of the tree and fruit, I'm wondering if the trees that were in my parents' backyard before they moved were elder trees. Won't do me much good now though... darn! Must find elderflowers...
Anonymous said…
It's too late for elderflowers here, too. With perfect timing, I decided to go elderflower hunting just as the first berries started to appear on the bushes.

Ah well, there's always next year. And you should try turning some of your cordial into elderflower sorbet! Delicious! (I also recently had a sublime gooseberry and elderflower ice-cream...
Anonymous said…
I hear your pain!! I am so, so sad. I didn't get to make even one recipe with them this year.
Kevin Kossowan said…
Last time I visited family in Copenhagen, I watched them make this. And man, it is seriously good. I came back, hoping to find the flowers. No luck. But I just bought a house that I believe has elder - so with any luck, I'll be making lots...maybe even a QUADRUPLE batch to last me the year.
Thanks for posting about this!
Zarah Maria said…
Cathy, you surely must! It's a lovely drink.

Angela - I know - the season's just too short. I'm not big on ice creams and sorbets, and with the way the weather's been acting around here, it's not getting any better. I did freeze some of the cordial though, so I have cordial I could use for the purpose, should it get warmer :)

Helen - sad, sad indeed...

Greetings! I found your blog through COoksister.com ( subscribe to her newsletter) and I want to know how you get into the "sugarhigh # ???" group - is it a group??? to do recipes together - etc... I am a BABY blogger - just stated my blogs last week - then moved to my space becasue it was easier to work in... not sure I made the right decision. my blog there is http://acanadianfoodie.spaces.live - did you consider both?... I LOVE yhour humor and ideas... as you can see, lots of questions - I hope you have the time to help me out! Thank you SO much!
Fiona said…
Hi - I have just found your blog via sterling magazine on a recent trip to Stockholm. It's beautiful - great images and lovely ideas. We have tons of elderflowers growing on our lanes so I am definately going to try your receipe out next year - thanks!
maya said…
This is something really good, everyone that didn't taste it should.

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