SHF:ISTBE # 1: White Chocolate

A whatta?! You might say - but hey, it's just short for the newest IMBB?-spin-off - Sugar High Fridays: the International Sweet Tooth Blogging Extravaganza! as proposed by our very own Domestic Goddess, Jennifer. As the inventor of this very short-named event, and host this time at least, Jennifer decided our first endeavour should be in: white chocolate - that chocolate that's not really chocolate, yet at least as addictive as the dark kind! Personally, I can't wait! So come on and join the fun! Anyone and everyone is welcome!

for further info, go to Jennifer's page...


Zarah Maria said…
Hi Emily - Hey, so THAT'S your name! ;-) Welcome to the blogging world, I love your blog-name - ah yes, we can run, but we can't hide - that baking gets us ALL THE TIME!! And we like it, too! Can't wait to keep up with your adventures, now maybe even with pictures? Please join us this Friday, I've been thinking and thinking about what to make, but now I've decided and I'm going to make it tonight...

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